الأربعاء، 27 أغسطس 2014

Cyberduck 4.5.2

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With an easy to use interface, connect to FTP (File Transfer Protocol), SFTP (SSH Secure File Transfer), WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning), Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage and Rackspace Cloud Files

It has been built from the ground up with usability in mind, having the same consistent graphical user interface for both SFTP and FTP browsing.
Multiple connections are supported. Drag and drop is supported consequently for transferring files between server and client.
A transfer queue keeps track of the pending file transfers and supports resuming of both downloads and uploads. Local files can be synchronized with files on the server. System technologies such as the Keychain, Rendezvous and AppleScript are supported.
Cyberduck integrates seamlessly with external editors such as SubEthaEdit, BBEdit, TextMate and others.
Emerging open cloud software standards
Works with thirdparty providers using either the S3 or Openstack APIs.
FTP Core
A widely tested FTP (File Transfer Protocol) implementation for the best interoperability with support for FTP over secured SSL/TLS connections.
Edit any file with your preferred editor
To edit files, a seamless integration with any external editor application makes it easy to change content quickly. Edit any text or binary file on the server in your preferred application.
Distribute your content in the cloud
Both Amazon CloudFront and Akamai content delivery networks (CDN) can be easily configured to distribute your files worldwide from edge locations. Connect to any server using FTP, SFTP or WebDAV and configure it as the origin of a new Amazon CloudFront CDN distribution.
Amazon S3 for the rest of us
Browse Amazon Simple Storage Service like your harddisk. Supporting the latest and greatest additions to the S3 storage options. Define website endpoints, enable access logging, configure storage class, encryption and bucket location.
Browse with ease
Browse and move your files quickly in the browser with caching enabled for the best performance. Works with any character encoding for the correct display of Umlaute, Japanese and Chinese.
Transfer anything
Limit the number of concurrent transfers and filter files using a regular expression. Resume both interrupted download and uploads. Recursively transfer directories