Mozilla has switched Firefox to a rapid release development cycle which means new versions will come more frequently. The non-profit organization has promised to push out a new stable build every six
Get to your favorite sites quickly – even if you don’t remember the URLs. Type your term into the location bar (aka the Awesome Bar) and the autocomplete function will include possible matches from your browsing history, bookmarked sites and open tabs
The Awesome Bar learns as you use it over time, it adapts to your preferences and offers better-fitting matches. We’ve tweaked it to give you greater control over the results (including privacy settings) and
increased performance so you find what you need even faster
What’s New
HTTP caching (v2) enabled by default
Integration of generational garbage collection
Public key pinning support enabled
Login metadata viewable in password manager
Display the number of found items in the find toolbar
Code completion and inline documentation added to Scratchpad
Connect to HTTP proxy over HTTPS
Removed and turned off trust bit for some 1024-bit root certificates
Performance improvements to Password Manager and Add-on Manager
HTML5: drawFocusIfNeeded enabled by default
HTML5: ECMAScript 6 built-in method Array#copyWithin implemented (docs)
HTML5: CSS position:sticky enabled by default
HTML5: mix-blend-mode enabled by default
HTML5: New Array built-in: Array.from()
HTML5: navigator.languages property and languagechange event implemented
HTML5: Vibration API updated to latest W3C spec
HTML5: CSS box-decoration-break replaces -moz-background-inline-policy
Developer: HiDPI support in Developer Tools UI
Developer: Inspector button moved to the top left
Developer: Hidden nodes displayed differently in the markup-view
Developer: New Web Audio Editor (learn more)
Fixed: Mac OS X: cmd-L does not open a new window when no window is available
Fixed: Text Rendering Issues on Windows 7 with Platform Update KB2670838 (MSIE 10 Prerequisite) or on Windows 8.1
OS support:Windows
File size:33.7 MB